Monday 18 May 2009

(5) logistical challenges

Right - so I've been up to Newcastle with mum and Chloe for the day. I've finally found a dress for the conference dinner which hides my baby bump, which really should have gone by now but hasn't. I'm booked in to get my hair cut on Wednesday and that's me sorted. Hubby Mitch is in Portsmouth this week so I'm a single mum for the third week in a row, but mum is having Chloe all day and overnight on Thursday so I'm happy. Don't know what the nation would do without grandmas!

Our Google adwords campaign is going well. We decided to stick to online advertising as we'd placed ads in GQ, which should have been really successful, but weren't. We're able to monitor our spend and the success of the ads via Google and we know it's bringing in lots of business so we love it. We tried Facebook ads and they weren't bad but not a patch on the level of business brought via Google. Business has been brisk since our Scott Mills makeover - word is obviously getting out that guys can wear makeup and look great!

Next ideas for marketing are to hit some of the daytime TV shows and some of the magazines. It's difficult to know what will work and who will bite - we have some good stories but if it's not topical then you just get ignored. I am just going to pick about 10 different media and see what happens when I write to them!

I'm still trying to source brown mascara for men - should be easy but just isn't. Because of the relatively low numbers involved in men's makeup, most manufacturers stick to a really limited number of lines and colours and brown just hasn't made it yet. It's a shame and I'm determined to find some somehow because black mascara is just too harsh for blondes and redheads - I'm on a mission now!

Right, must do some 'day job' work, more soon!

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