Wednesday 13 May 2009

(1) Wooohoooo! What a week - Scott Mills and the IWCYC phonecall!

Wow, last week was surreal. I got a call on Monday on my way back from Keswick where we'd been for our first holiday in our new caravan, from Beccy Huxtable, assistant producer on Scott Mills' Radio One show. She asked if we'd go down to London on Thursday (ie 3 days later) to do a man makeover on Scott live on the Beccycam webcam which was a feature they were running all week.

We managed to sort it but only just. My mum who is my main childcarer and with whom I couldn't manage, was due to take a well earned break in Edinburgh that day so I had no-one to look after Chloe while I was in London - a trip which was going to take all day and most of the evening. Luckily my wonderful sister Helen took a day's holiday to help me out and we were able to go. Kate and I took Emma Tallentire, a local beauty therapist who lives in Bowes, along to do the makeover.

The makeover was surreal. We got there in the nick of time after travelling down by car, train and tube (don't ask!) and were shown into a large office where we saw Aled from the Chris Moyles show, Colin Murray and Scott sitting around at various desks. We did the makeover at a desk in the corner of the office, live on the webcam and without sound so we communicated with the viewers via a whiteboard. Scott absolutely loved it and we left him a goody bag which he explored with glee! We've since had a thank you email from him and we've got a couple of articles with pics in the Teesdale Mercury and Northern Echo.

I then got a call on Thursday while carrying out said makeover from the lovely Stephen at the Entrepreneurs' Forum, telling me that I'm through to the next round of the If We Can You Can Challenge! How fab is that? I am really chuffed as I love my astonmitchell business and I'm really proud of what Kate and I have achieved, so to get recognition like this is wonderful. Watch this space, I'm a bit of a blogger so you'll find out what's happening with my and my businesses if you keep an eye out.

Finally - I set up astonmitchell with Kate nearly a year ago although we didn't start trading until August last year. I set it up because I had baby blues which load of new mums will recognise, and had to be out and about seeing people because I didn't like being stuck in the house. I went off to see Kate, had a conversation about setting up in business together and the rest is history. It all seems like yesterday but my little baby is now a little one year old who is walking around the house like an expert and starting to say proper words! How time flies - and we have been having fun.

More soon!

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